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Celebrating the Social Care Commitment

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We all know the importance of having a caring workforce that provides safe, high quality services to those who need care and support. That’s why I am so pleased to hear about the early success of the Social Care Commitment.

The Social Care Commitment is a new initiative derived from the caring for our future white paper. Developed by the sector, for the sector, it really focuses attention on the values and beliefs underpinning everything the workforce does - such as upholding dignity, protecting privacy and communicating effectively. These are the cornerstones that must be in place if we are to have a workforce providing consistent high quality care for all.

One reason the sector has really embraced the commitment is its development by people working in the sector. It’s not just words on a piece of paper - it has been designed for real, practical impact.

There are two elements to signing up. First, employers and employees commit to seven ‘I will…’ statements and select tasks to ensure these statements are embedded into the care they deliver. Second, they put the statements into practice.

The early success of the commitment is even more impressive considering it’s a voluntary agreement. There is no mandatory pressure on employers and employees to sign up, and the fact that over 600 have already registered in the first six weeks, shows that the sector can really see the benefit and impact the Social Care Commitment can have - for themselves, for those who need care and support and their families.

The commitment is seen by the Department of Health as a key part of the solution to improve the standard of, and public confidence in care and support offered by the sector. That is why we are all so pleased that although it’s new, the sector has really taken ownership and embraced it.

Find out more and make your commitment here.

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