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Care Bill implementation: my six questions for local authorities

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Really stimulating conversations here today at the National Children and Adult Services (NCAS) conference. I spoke this morning about Care Bill implementation and gave six questions that I would be considering if I was working in a local authority now. Lots of people have been asking for them – so here they are again:

1 – do you have a programme in place to deliver this work and a lead person who will be responsible for coordinating and driving delivery in your area?

2 – do you know what needs to change by when and the size of the challenge for you?

3 – do you understand the scale of change in key areas like IT, workforce capacity and training?

4 -  have you got plans in place to identify self-funders in your area?

5 – do you know how you will engage with your communities, voluntary sector, providers and others, to prepare for and see through implementation?

6 – how will you model the likely cost and other impacts?

On a final note, if you’re at NCAS tomorrow, join me and my DH colleagues for a breakfast session at 8am in Queens Suite 1, to talk about reforming what people pay for their care and support.

Back to the auditorium now – Norman Lamb’s up next.

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  1. Comment by rodney maile West Wakes, posted on

    If a person earns under £ 50,000 he shoud not be asked to pay for illnesses that in some cases he has sustained whether in work or not. Care of the highest degree must be given, to all, With 2.4 million unemployed in the UK. it is bizarre that Politicians state we cannot afford good quality care. All we need to do is train these people to do worthwhile jobs in the NHS. Where do we get the money from...?? the same place as all these wars we have been supporting for the last 90 years.... answer, from the Bank of England. People would not be coming to the U.K.; if they were all in the E.U. and made to provide Hospitals in their own countries. Therefore in the E.U. we must in all E.U. Countries create thes Hospitals and provide a good standard of Health Care to all. So, why is it we are SHREDDING OUR NHS RIGHT NOW....WHY....?? Reducing the amount of money being spent on the NHS obviously does not affect those who can afford these high costs as charged in some countries. .